Our Impact
Students Impacted
Waste Diverted
Given to Schools

Committed to the Cause
Coming together from a wide variety of backgrounds and experiences, our skilled team of professionals is the backbone of Green Up Our Schools. Their ideas help shape the direction and mission of our organization as it continues to develop.
Tony Hodes
Executive Director
Tony was raised in the Midwest as the youngest in a family of 9, where reusing was a way of life as everything was handed down to get its full use. Through his career finding way to engage youth has been a priority, often times working with youth who feel on the fringes of their social group. Creative, kinesthetic learning opportunities, such as those provided by GUOS, are the very programs that can attract kids to become engaged and guide them to a way to be seen as a leader by their peers. The need for everyone to habituate sustainable practices and to adopt concrete ways to turn the tide on the deterioration of the environment and planet are critical to his commitment to the planet, his life and his children.
Green Up Our Schools offers him the opportunity to collaborate with individualizes, organizations, and corporations who are like-minded. He invites everyone to make an investment in this effort whether that be a donation, volunteering, collaborating as he is convinced that the return on our collective investment is real change that helps cultivate the future green leaders.
Tony Hodes

Krista has a background in Anthropology and Studio Arts and brings with her a plethora of experience in working with schools and teachers. She has been involved in outreach education, event planning, volunteer work, and camp coordination for the last 20 years and currently also coordinates logistics for an innovative partnership program that offers professional development to teachers.
She aims for a zero waste lifestyle and feels passionate about the simple ways we can all contribute to a healthy planet.
You will find her to be an advocate for your school and students in creating a sustainable school environment and committed to empowering youth to become green leaders.
Krista Delich
Sustainability Outreach Specialist
Committed to the Cause
A dedicated board compliments our small team.
Their collective experience and insight has been invaluable in guiding our organization.